Ofsted require 50 percent of staff to be trained to NVQ level 2. At Elm Cottage 98% of our staff are qualified to level 3 or above-2 % are presently training on the childcare apprenticeship scheme and a huge 25 % have degrees in Early Childhood Studies. This includes...
Fees Please contact the individual setting for an up to date price list. Fees are inclusive of: Freshly prepared healthy home cooked food including: Breakfast Mid morning snack Two course Lunch Afternoon Tea Extra curricular classes from our visiting ballet teacher, Spanish or French teacher (depending on setting) and...
“The nursery provides a rich and vibrant learning environment in which children are very well nurtured and make excellent progress in their learning and development. Highly skilled staff have an exemplary understanding of individual children’s needs and build exciting learning opportunities around their interests to motivate and engage them...
EYFS We follow the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and plan activities and a curriculum based around the interests of the children. The framework sets the standards for the learning, development and care of children, from birth to 5 years old. We provide quality resources and...